Every registered conference participant could submit up to 2 abstracts. More specifically, 1 oral & 1 poster presentation or 2 poster presentations. All submissions were evaluated by the members of the Scientific Committee and the contributors were notified for acceptance of their paper for oral or poster presentation. Selected papers will be published in a special issue in a peer reviewed journal. Short abstracts will be prepared in English following the specific instructions (template) provided by the organizers. All contributions are submitted electronically.
Information for Chairs and Presenters
Duration of presentations
•Keynote Presentation: 45 minutes, including questions.
•Invited Presentation: 30 minutes, including questions.
•Oral Presentation: 15 minutes, including questions.
Guidelines for oral presenters
•Please bring your presentation on a USB stick.
•A laptop (not a MacBook) will be available in each meeting room.
•Please use PowerPoint software (*.pptx or *.ppt file) in size 16:9 (or 4:3).
•We kindly ask you to upload and test your presentation in advance, during the break before your session.
There will be a technician to assist you.
Guidelines for poster presenters
•The max poster size is A0 (841×1189) in portrait – NOT landscape.
The Technical Programme will include invited talks, oral presentations and posters in the following areas:
- Synthetic and Bio-Polymers in Life Sciences
- Polymer Formulations for Drug and Gene Delivery
Energy and Environment
- Polymers for Energy and Environmental Applications
- Sustainable Polymeric Materials
- Biobased and Biodegradable Polymers
- Polymer Recycling
- Microplastics
Theory and Simulations
- New Theoretical Developments in Polymer Science
- Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulations
- Structure/Properties Predictive Tools Based on Artificial Intelligence Methods
- Organic and Hybrid Coatings
- Polymer Production and Processing
- Polymer Characterization
- Materials for Packaging Applications
- Polymers for Electric, Optical and Electronic Applications
- 3D-Prinding
New Polymeric Materials
- Polymer Synthesis and Functionalization
- Polymer Blends and Alloys
- Composites – Nanocomposites
- Functional Additives and Reactive Processing